Once it is installed, you can set it as default for the acestream:// links in your browser. OpenSUSE: Build Service by Browser integration
#How to open acestream link vlc install
Install the package with the Python Package Index using pip command. Install Acestream engine Snap package: sudo snap install acestreamplayer Sudo ln -sf /opt/acestream/start-engine /usr/bin/acestreamengine Sudo sed -i "/ROOT=/c\ROOT=\/opt\/acestream" /opt/acestream/start-engine Install Acestream engine manually (you can find actual links here and detailed instructions here): sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-m2crypto python-apsw Install optional dependencies (support for desktop notifications): sudo apt-get install libnotify Install required dependencies (compatible with python 2 and 3): sudo apt-get install python python-pip Įngine = acestreamengine -client-console -log-file /home/jonian/.ACEStream/engine.logĮngine = acestreamengine -client-gtk -log-file /home/jonian/.ACEStream/browser.log Use tty and browser sections to set different options when executing the script from the console or the web browser. v, -verbose Show engine and media player output in consoleĬreate ~/.config/acestream-launcher/config file to override the default arguments. l, -hls Get HLS stream instead of HTTP stream t, -timeout TIMEOUT Time in seconds to wait for stream playback (default: 30) e, -engine ENGINE The engine command to use (default: acestreamengine -client-console) You can retrieve your IP address if you enter it into this box. Once the network URL is selected, the prompt will open up. After clicking Media on the task bar, click Network Stream beneath it. p, -player PLAYER The media player command to use (default: mpv) How Do I Open Acestream With Vlc VLC will automatically install in the most recent version. Optional arguments -h, -help Show this help message and exit Usage acestream-launcher URL Positional arguments URL The acestream url to play Since v1.0.0 acestream-launcher uses Acestream Engine HTTP API that is available on acestream-engine v3.1 or later.

#How to open acestream link vlc how to
Which gives you a hint/clue as to how to record your current stream.Acestream Launcher allows you to open Acestream links with a Media Player of your choice Dependencies python, pyhon-acestream, libnotify, acestream-engine

Vlc your_input_file_or_stream_here -sout="#std' Vlc your_input_file_or_stream_here -sout=file/ps:go.mpg and stream.xyz is the name of the file you want to save the stream to, with the right extension.